Money was unable to open the file, either because the file was created in a newer version of Money, the file was read-only, or because Money could not find the file.
If you are having difficulty opening a Money file, you need to make sure that the latest Money updates were successfully downloaded to your computer.
To download the latest updates and verify that the update was successful:
1) On the File menu, click New, type the name of a new file (for example, test), and then click OK.
2) When asked to download the Money updates, click Yes.
3) Restart Money.
4) To confirm that updates were downloaded successfully, on the File menu, click Help, and then click About Microsoft Money.
5) If the latest updates were downloaded successfully, the version number at the top of the page will be Version or later.
Note: If the version number is earlier than, the latest updates were not successfully installed. You need to close, and then restart Money. The file you created in step 1 will re-open, and the download process will begin again.
6) Once you have verified that the latest updates are installed, on the File menu, click the name of the Money file that you want to use.
Note: For additional information, please refer to the following Microsoft Money Knowledge Base article for more information: You cannot open your data file after you reinstall Money 2005;en-us;890393
Source: Microsoft Corp.
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