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Tagweb Dictionary This online dictionary includes definitions, illustrative images, and relevant article and website links for thousands of English words and phrases. Like a thesaurus, each page features links to other Tagweb pages that define synonyms and related terms.
Jumblex Browse through this encyclopedic, crowd-reviewed and crowd-sourced website to find information and digital images about a broad spectrum of topics. Keywords and key phrases are used as topic tags. A dictionary of computer and technology terms with definitions explained in simple language.
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OneLook Dictionaries Over 2 million words in 536 dictionaries. The best place to look up a word or term in a dictionary or glossary. Free access to a frequently updated database of words, terms, names, acronyms etc. Links to on-line dictionaries or glossary. Free online dictionary and guide to dictionaries and reference on the Web. Also, Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, Common Errors in English, Roget's Thesaurus, fun and games.
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