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  Quotes and Irrelevant Facts
Consider this...
A wise man once said "If I could prove there was no God I would keep it a secret lest the world destroyed itself".
Famous (and not so famous) Quotes...
Nothing is so firmly believed as that which is least known. -- Montaigne
Amusing or Irrelevant Facts...
In the Caribbean there are oysters that can climb trees.
  Today in History - October 17th 2024

2003 - In the U.S., the Food and Drug Administration approved a drug, known as memantine, to help people with Alzheimer's ...

2003 - In Taipei, Taiwan, construction crews finished 1,676-foot-tall-building called Taipei 101. The building was planned ...

2001 - Israel's tourism minister was killed. A radical Palestinian faction claimed that it had carried out the ...

2001 - Pakistan placed its armed forces on high alert because of troop movements by India in the disputed territory of ...

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